Journal of Education and Research in Nursing
1. | Editorial Page II |
2. | The Contextual Performance Scale for Nurses Who Work at Hospitals: Validity and Reliability Manar Aslan, Aytolan Yıldırım doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2017.104 Pages 104 - 111 INTRODUCTION: Despite the performance has a multi-dimensional structure it is only examined whether or not to perform the task in practice. Behaviors such as volunteering to carry out task activities that are not formally part of own job, persisting extra effort as necessary to complete own task activities, following organizational rules usually are not considered. However, this behavior is critical to the effectiveness of the organization and, it becomes important in patient care. In the literature there are many scales to measure job or task performance but few scales that measure only contextual performance. Aim of this study is to develop a self-report scale which measures contextual performance levels of nurses working at hospitals. METHODS: This is a methodological study. Target population of the study included nurses from two hospitals (one public and one private) that granted permission for this study and are in the European side of Istanbul, and the sample consisted of 500 nurses who voluntarily agreed to join the study. Self- Report Contextual Performance Scale was developed by researchers with the help of a literature and used expert review. RESULTS: Exploratory factor analysis of draft scale showed a Kaiser-Meyer Olkin (KMO) coefficient of 0.97 the result of the Barlett test was found to be significant (χ2=15750.738; df: 1176 p: .000). It was seen that items were best distributed around two factors. The eigenvalue factor was over 1 (20.7 and 3.1, respectively). Variance accounted for by the first factor was 26.1%, while second factor accounted for a variance of 22.8% - the two factors accounted for 48.9% of total variance. The Cronbach alpha coefficient was found to be =0.97 for the total scale. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Results from preliminary psychometric investigations suggested that the nursing contextual performance scale had good internal consistency, good convergent validity and good criterion validity. |
3. | Analyzing the Correlation Between the Attitudes of Nursing Students Towards Using Computers in Health Care and Clinical Decision Making Skills Nurten Özen, İlknur Yazıcıoğlu, Fatma İlknur Çınar doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2017.112 Pages 112 - 118 INTRODUCTION: The research was planned descriptively to assess the correlation between the attitudes of nursing students towards using computers in health care and clinical decision making skills. METHODS: The research was conducted with 2nd, 3rd and 4th year students of a nursing school in February 2016. The study was completed with 140 students. During the collection of data; (1) Form assessing socio-demographic features and attitudes on using computers of students (2) Pretest for Attitudes toward Computers in Healthcare Assessment Scale (3) the Clinical Decision Making in Nursing Scale were used. SPSS 15.00 package program was used in the statistical analysis of data. Descriptive statistics were shown as numbers, percentages and average±standard deviations. “Kruskal-Wallis” and “Mann Whitney U” tests were used for comparative statistics and “Spearman correlation analysis” was used to assess relationship between scale points with numerical parameters. Statistical significance level was accepted as p<0.05. RESULTS: Subscale of “Search for alternatives or options” within The Clinical Decision Making in Nursing Scale’s was found significantly higher in 2nd year students statistically when compared to other year students (p<0.05). Positive correlation was found between the two scales in terms of total scores (r=0.570; p<0.001). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: It was seen that students having high attitude points towards using computers have high clinical decision making skills. It must be ensured that students acquire computer using skills during nursing training to provide contribution towards increasing the quality in patient care. |
4. | The Effect of a Psychoeducational Program Grounded in the Professional Socialization Theory on the Social Skill Levels of Nursing Students Hatice Öner Altıok, Besti Üstün doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2017.119 Pages 119 - 126 INTRODUCTION: This study was conducted to investigate the effect of psychoeducation program grounded on the professional socialization theory upon social skill levels of students. METHODS: The type of the study was quasi-experimental while investigating the effect of psychoeducational intervention, which was applied during the second stage of the study, upon social skill levels of students; and it had pretest-posttest control group design. The sample of this stage consisted of a total of 120 volunteer students (60 experimental and 60 control group). A psychoeducational program involving six sessions was applied on the experimental group. Social Skill Inventory was used in the data collection process. While independent samples t-test was used for the evaluation of the data, variance analysis (ANOVA) and bonferroni test were used for repeated measurements. RESULTS: Measurements were performed before and after the intervention during third and sixth months. While a significant increase was observed on social skill scores of students who participated in the psychoeducational group during the 3rd and 6th month follow-ups after the program, we observed no change in the control group. A significant difference was observed on social skill levels during the intragroup evaluation of the social skill inventory. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: It was suggested to organize the psychoeducational programs independently from lessons at schools that train nurses in order to develop the social skill levels of students. |
5. | Investigating Reasons Of Nurses’ Requests For Leaving Their Institution In An Educational Research Hospital Sema Koçaşlı, Dilek Aktaş, Keziban Avcı doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2017.127 Pages 127 - 130 INTRODUCTION: This study was designed as a descriptive study to investigate reasons of nurses’ requests for leaving their institution METHODS: Sample of the study consisted of 38 volunteer nurses who was working in a government hospital in Ankara linked to Health ministry between 06.05.2015-24.05.2015 and want to leave the institution as well. Data was collected by a questionarie that prepared by researchers using the literature. The questionarie was redesigned after trying it on 18 nurses as preliminary application. RESULTS: : Among the nurses interviewed; familial reasons (63.16 %), working overtime (50 %), transportation difficulties to hospital (36,84%) and being paid less than the deserve (36.84%) were stated as the reasons of leaving the istitution. Respondents stated that they would like to continue to work in the hospital on condition that improving supplementary payment (36.84%), increasing number of nurses and eliminating working overtime (31.59%). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: It is predicted that increasing number of nurses working at hospital and/or improving supplementary payment will make some of nurses give up leaving the institution and maintain “Qualified staff number” which is a determinative factor for quality health care. |
6. | Interpersonal Sensitivity of Clinical Nurses and Related Factors Adeviye Aydın, Duygu Hiçdurmaz doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2017.131 Pages 131 - 138 INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to identify the factors related to interpersonal sensitivity of clinical nurses. METHODS: Participants were 400 clinical nurses from 33 hospitals. The Nurse Data Form and the Interpersonal Sensitivity Scale were used for data collection. The test of significance of difference between two means, one-way analysis of variance and Tukey HSD Test were used for data evaluation. RESULTS: Interpersonal awareness sub-scale scores was lower in the 31–34 age group than in other age groups. Timidity was higher in state hospital nurses than in private hospital nurses. Total interpersonal sensitivity, interpersonal awareness, and timidity scores were higher in nurses having 15–20 years of experience than in nurses having shorter experience. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: According to results of this study age, hospital, duration of experience were found related to interpersonal sensitivity. Based on these findings, revealing the causes of and dynamics underlying this condition in groups having increased interpersonal sensitivity with qualitative studies and developing preventive counselling programs to decrease interpersonal sensitivity of the groups having increased sensitivity are recommended. |
7. | The Views of Nurses On Nutritional Assessment And Nutritional Support of Hospitalized Patients Dilek Kara Yılmaz, Pınar Sarkut, Fatma Düzgün, Cemile Kuzu, Sadık Kılıçturgay doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2017.139 Pages 139 - 143 INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to investigate the nurses' views on the nutritional assessment of patients. METHODS: The research group consist of nurses who is responsible of adult patients at internal medicine, surgical clinics and intensive care units (General Surgery, Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Neurosurgery and Cardiovascular Surgery) in an university hospital(n: 400). The sample of the study consisted of 334 nurses who voluntarily agreed to participate in the research. In the collection of the research data the questionnaire that improved according to the literature has used to determine nurses’ opinions about assessment of the nutrition. In analyzing the data, mean and percentile values has been calculated. RESULTS: It is determined that the average age of nurses that participated were 33.41 ±6.85, the 35% of them have 5-10 years of professional experience and 60.8% of them are working in internal clinics. 46.4% of the nurses stated that they have no idea about the incidence of malnutrition cases,49.7% of them stated that primarily doctors focused on nutrition issues, 39.2% of them stated nurses focused on nutrition issues. 37.4% of participating nurses stated the that nutritional assessment have done by doctors, 23.6% of them stated the dietitians and 15.2% of them stated by nurses. Nurses participated in the study, stated that the obstacles in making effective and continuous nutritional assessment of patients were excessive workload(87.7%) and lack of knowledge(41%). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: From the results, the nurses can not take an active role in nutritional assessment and it is found that it’s the biggest cause was excess workload. |
8. | The Importance of Complementary Health Approaches in Pediatric Nursing Vildan Cırık, Emine Efe doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2017.144 Pages 144 - 149 Complementary health approaches are applied substantially frequently in children. Although use of complementary health approaches in children are quite common, method sorts and the adverse effects of these practices are not well known. Most of these methods are being used without being tested for their activity or safety in childrens so they may be harmful and also may cause a delay for appropriate management in some cases. Pediatric nurses are supposed to fully inform childs and their parents about the potential risks and benefits of such treatments. Therefore, it is recommended for pediatrics nurses to organize courses and in-service training programs regarding these methods, create data collection forms involving complementary health approaches in clinics and concentrate more on the evidence-based research. The purpose of this article was to evaluate the use of complementary health approaches by children, the reasons for use of these methods, the effects on children and nursing approaches. |
9. | Noise In The Neonatal Intensive Care Units Müjde Çalıkuşu İncekar, Serap Balcı doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2017.150 Pages 150 - 154 While the development of the technology has decreased the number of infant deaths, it has increased the number of the infants in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). For this reason, in the light of the developmental implementations, the environment of NICU is important especially for the high risk newborn. The high risk neonates who have been exposed to noise suffer from increase in stress behaviours, disturbance, fright, decrease in healing, changes in heart-respiration rhythm, apnea, hypoxia, bradycardia, increase in systematic blood pressure, increase in intracranial pressure, loss of hearing, disruption of the sleep-wake cycle etc. Besides the unit's structure being appropriate, Healthcare professional’s preventing the noise, creating free time, turning down the volume of the devices and controling them when they are on alarm, doing the social communication away from the infants, using devices that have no noise in the unit, using such materials as rolled quilts, incubator quilts, sound absorbing panels so as to keep the infants away from noise, regular training of noise measurement and noise control are important among the applications in decreasing and controlling the noise. |
10. | Caring an Elderly Patient with Acute Myeloid Leukemia: A Case Study Özgül Erol, Lale Yacan doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2017.155 Pages 155 - 160 Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a malign disease, characterized by the rapid growth of abnormal hematologic blood cells accumulate in the bone marrow, blood and other tissues. It is the most common acute leukemia affecting adults, and its incidence increases with age. 82 year-old married, male patient admitted to hospital about four months ago because of fatigue, inability to get out of bed and inability to walk. Patient diagnosed with AML was being cared according to Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns. Based on this model, nursing diagnosis such as ineffective airway clearance, impaired physical mobility, self-care deficit (nutrition, dressing, hygiene), imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements, activity intolerance, impaired social activity, impaired oral mucous membrane, risk for bleeding, impaired skin integrity, risk for aspiration, risk for transmitting infection, risk for falling were diagnosed and needed interventions were applied. |
11. | Cloud Computing and Health Care Nuray Turan, Hatice Kaya doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2017.161 Pages 161 - 166 Nowadays, increasing cost of health services requires healthcare institutions to adopt and use health information systems. Health information systems allow healthcare institutions to organize their processes and offer more efficient services in a cost-effective way. Cloud computing, one of the recent technological developments, makes it possible for healthcare institutions that offer health information services to create a powerful online data storage infrastructure. Besides its opportunities, however, this new technology comes with various risks that may cause significant losses. This article aims to determine the impacts of cloud computing on healthcare systems and make recommendations for healthcare workers to develop awareness on cloud computing. |
12. | Effects of Skin to Skin Contact on Maternal-Preterm Infant: Systematic Analysis Endam Çetinkaya, Gül Ertem doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2017.167 Pages 167 - 175 Aim: This analyzes the studies conducted towards examining the effects of skin to skin contact (SSC) on maternal-preterm infants by nurse researchers. Method: By dint of literature review, 24165 articles have been figured out at PubMed database by entering the key words like “skin to skin contact-22359”, “skin to skin contact and breastfeeding-236”, “skin to skin contact preterm-106”, “skin to skin contact newborn-710”, “skin to skin contactafter birth-183” and “kangaroo care-571”. Within PubMed database the articles have been restricted by using some criteria. In this restriction, randomized clinical studies that were published, examining by nurse researchers between the years of 2005 and 2015 in nursing journals, whose full text can be gained, that are related to SSC and are published in English, and that maternal-infant couples are given place to in the studies have been scrutinized and five articles have been gained. The five studies matching the criteria has composed the population. The study includes all the population. Results: When the study of Neu and Robinson (2010), and Chiu and Anderson (2009) examined, it is observed that, in the wake of the evaluation held, SSC practice has positive influence on the different parameters related to the interaction of maternal-premature infant couples. When we look at the study of Raouth et al. (2008), and Ludington-Hoe and Hosseini (2005), it is seen that pain bahaviour of premature infants decreases with the process of baby carrier. In the study of Neu et al. (2013), it has been seen that the premature infants carried within a baby carrier display the enhanced behavioral regulation and the reactions making progress vis-a-vis the infants carried within blankets. Conclusion: In the study, it has been deduced that SSC practice effects the interaction of maternal-infant in a positive way, and it decreases the pain during invasive procedures. |
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