Journal of Education and Research in Nursing
1. | Editorial Page III |
2. | VKV Page IV |
3. | Investigation of Nursing Students' Awareness of Nursing Practice Based on Evidence Ece Kurt, Ayten Zaybak doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2019.276 Pages 276 - 281 INTRODUCTION: This study was carried out to evaluate the awareness of the nursing senior students about the evidence based practice. METHODS: The sample of the research was formed by 188 senior students who were educated by an integrated system between November 2017 and March 2018 in a nursing faculty located in İzmir province. The data were collected by a 20-item questionnaire that measures students' knowledge of evidence based nursing practices. Number and percentage distributions, mean and standard deviation were used to analyze the data. RESULTS: It was determined that 53.7% of the students in the study were trained about KDU and 86.2% were in need of training about KDU. It was determined that 67% of the students had knowledge of KDU during their undergraduate training and that only 1.2% of the sample classifies the Joanna Briggs Institute of nursing evidence level classification. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Increasing the quality of nursing care in patient care outcomes, standardizing care and increasing patient satisfaction; when more is given to the KDU in the undergraduate curriculum, it will be possible if the training is carried out in parallel with these practices. |
4. | The Relationship Between Care Burden and Anxiety Levels of Parents Who Have Child Who were Diagnosed With Cancer Selmin Köse, Azime Türköz Arar, Gülay Yıldırım doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2019.282 Pages 282 - 287 INTRODUCTION: Purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between care burden of parents who have a child diagnosed with cancer and their anxiety levels. METHODS: Research was made between September 2017-January 2018 after taking the necessary ethics board permission from a training and research hospital. Population of the descriptive type research consisted of parents of cancer diagnosed children who were staying in the hospital on dates the research was made and sample consisted of parents fits to the research criteria who agreed to participate into the research. Data Question Form was obtained by using Burden Interview and Beck Anxiety Scale. Analysis of the data were evaluated SPSS 22.0 package program. RESULTS: In this study, it was found that the parents who had low economic status had higher care burden and Beck Anxiety point averages (respectively; p<0.05, p>0.01). Parents of children who were diagnosed with cancer recently had higher Beck Anxiety point averages (p<0.01). Parents of children who had another child with a chronic disease had higher care burden and Beck Anxiety Point averages (p<0.01). Burden and Anxiety levels of parents had a positive linear relation (r=0.512, p<0.001). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: As the outcome of the study, it was seen that, poor parents and parents who had another child with chronic disease had higher care burden and anxiety, parents of children who were recently diagnosed with cancer had more anxiety. It was determined that, care burden and anxieties of parents of children who were diagnosed with cancer have shown simultaneous increase and had a positive linear relation. |
5. | The Nurses' Liking Levels of Children and Therapeutic Play Using Deniz Yiğit, Emel Sezici, Ayfer Açıkgöz doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2019.288 Pages 288 - 294 INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to determine the levels of children liking of nurses who were working with children and therapeutic play using. METHODS: This cross-sectional descriptive study was completed with 74 nurses who were working with children. For the determining of therapeutic play using by nurses, the questionnaire form created by the researchers in the collection of data and The Barnett Liking of Children Scale was used. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 21 software package of IBM. The p value less than 0.05 was accepted as significant. RESULTS: In this study, it was determined that nurses had high children liking levels (81.39 ± 12.292). The nurses stated that 47.3% of them were always, 44.6% of them were sometimes use the therapeutic play. There was a statistically significant relationship between nurses' communication with their colleagues (p = 0.013), feel the happy (p = 0.005) and adequate (p = 0.007) in the clinic, and the level of child liking. Core family structure (p = 0.021), license and higher education status (p = 0.037) among nurses who use the therapeutic play has been determined to be higher. There was no statistically significant relationship between the use of therapeutic play with nurses' liking levels of children. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The results of this study showed high children liking levels of nurses, whereas it was found that the use of therapeutic play was not sufficient. We suggest that factors effecting the liking levels of children should be considered while selecting nurses to work with children and nurses should be trained for therapeutic play using. |
6. | The Effect of Peer Education on the Teaching of Nursing Skills Deniz Öztürk, Zehra Göçmen Baykara doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2019.295 Pages 295 - 300 INTRODUCTION: This study was planned to evaluate the effect of peer education on the teaching of nursing skills. METHODS: This study was conducted by using pre-test and post-test control group pattern, was carried out with 44 students (test=23; control=21). The five basic nursing skills students learn for the first time were transferred to the test group by means of student peer education; they were transferred to the control group using existing teaching methods.Skill measurements were made immediately after completion of the course and 1 week later. RESULTS: In the first measurement performed immediately after teaching the skill, the students in the test group had a higher rate of completed skill in research than the students in the control group. This ratio was found to be higher in the second measurement than in the control group. In addition, it was determined that the students in the experimental group applied all skills in the second measurement at a higher rate than the first measurement. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: These results indicate that skills of students who learn in a peer group are more developed, reinforced better, and retained longer than the skills of students who learn with current teaching methods. |
7. | The Status of Protecting and Maintaining Patient Privacy of Nurses and Affecting Factors Gül Güneş Çelik, İsmet Eşer, Elem Kocaçal Güler doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2019.301 Pages 301 - 305 INTRODUCTION: To determine the status of protecting and maintaning patient privacy of nurses and the affecting factors. METHODS: This prospective and descriptive study was carried out with 161 nurses working in a university hospital in İzmir between April and June 2017. “Individual Identification Form” and “Patient Privacy Scale” were used in data collection. RESULTS: It was found that 37% of the nurses thought that the patient rights regulation and all nurses thought that privacy should be related to the patient's body of privacy. The importance given by the nurses to privacy was found to be high (4.47 ± 0.44). The mean bodily privacy score was the highest, and the gender-specific privacy score was the lowest. There was a significant difference between the mean scores of the nurses in terms of education, participation in education about patient privacy and reading of the privacy section of the patient rights regulation. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In this study, it was revealed that nurses gave importance to patient privacy. In order to increase the awareness of nurses about privacy, it is recommended to organize scientific activities, especially on in-service trainings on patient rights and privacy, and to conduct further research on this subject. |
8. | Effects On The Educational Stress Of The Self-Efficacy Level Of Nursing Students Seda Göger, Ayşe Çevirme doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2019.306 Pages 306 - 312 INTRODUCTION: This study was planned to determine the effect of nursing self-efficacy level on educational stress. METHODS: The sample of the descriptive research consists of 246 undergraduate students studying and accepting to participate in the study, in the nursing department. In the collection of data, Introductory Characteristics Information Form for Students, Nursing Education Stress Scale and General Self-Efficacy Scale were used. Data was analysed with descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, one-way anova, kruskall-wallis test, pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis. RESULTS: In the research, there was a significant negative correlation between the total score of the General Self-Efficacy Scale and the Nursing Education Stress Scale at the weak and advanced level (p<0.05). The total scores of independent variable gender, class and General Self-efficacy Scale were found to be related factors in predicting the total score of Nursing Education Stress Scale (p<0.05). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: As a result of the study, it was determined that as the general self-efficacy levels of the nursing students increased, their nursing educational stress level is decreased. It is suggested. It is recommended that students are evaluated the type, degree of stress and ways of coping with stress during their education. |
9. | The Adaptation of the Empowerment of Parents in the Intensive Care-Neonatology: Validity and Reliability Study Selvinaz Albayrak, Lale Ayşegül Büyükgönenç doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2019.313 Pages 313 - 323 INTRODUCTION: To determine the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the “Empowerment of Parents in The Intensive Care-Neonatology Scale” developed by Latour in The Netherlands. METHODS: This methodological study was conducted in University Hospital between April and October 2017 in Istanbul. This Likert type scale consists of 57 items and five subscales. This scale was developed in Dutch language therefore we used translation and back translation then reviewed by an expert for examined content validity. Psycohometric characters analyses examined via items total score correlation, Pearson correlation analyses, Cronbach Alpha value, test-retest correlation and confirmatory factor analyses methods.Data was gathered from 290 parents after obtaining ethical approval and official permission from the relevant hospitals’ administrations. RESULTS: Content Validity Index for the scale was found.97. It has been found that the correlation coefficient between the score of each items and the scale was between r=.48-.83; the correlation coefficient of each subscale item and the subscale score was between r=.63-.90; the correlation coefficient of the subscale score and the scale score was between r=.84-.93. There is a statistically significant correlation between these results (p<.001). The Cronbach Alfa correlation coefficient was found.89-.96 of the subscales. There is no significant difference between two separate applications of the scale in test-retest reliability analysis (p>.05). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The results of this study determined that the Turkish version of the Empowerment of Parents in The Intensive Care-Neonatology Scale is valid and reliable and can be used for measuring parent satisfaction in the NICU who are receiving family centered care. |
10. | The Neuman System Model Applied to Practice: A Case with Multiple Sclerosis Esin Sevgi Doğan, Özden Dedeli Çaydam doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2019.324 Pages 324 - 329 In multiple sclerosis, which occurs frequently in young adults, chronic health problems related to the illness of the patient creates important application areas for the nurse. The many important nursing theories and models was suggested for applying to practice in nursing management of chronic disease as well as for the development and growth of the professional nursing. In this article, a nursing process was established in a woman with multiple sclerosis using Neuman Systems Model. The patient's data was collected with a questionnaire based on Neuman's data collection tool. This case demonstrates that the use of Neuman's Systems Model is useful and effective in the implementation of the nursing process. |
11. | Effects Of Antimicrobial Medical Textile Products In Reducing Surgical Area Infections Semra Eyi doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2019.330 Pages 330 - 337 Aim: It was aimed to discuss the effect of antimicrobial medical textile products in reducing surgical site infections. Results: Within the scope of surgical textile products used in hospitals; implanted surgical threads and artificial textile veins, impermeable bandages and wound care materials, artificial organs with extracorporeal textiles, bedding with sanitary and hygiene products, protective garments and covers, surgical drapes and surgical garments.Surgical site infections are one of the most important problems of the surgery. As a result of the attachment of microorganisms to large textile surfaces, textile products can be carriers. In literature Acinetobacter baumannii, MRSA,VRE,coagulasenegative, Staphylococci, Corynebacterium Micrococcus, Bacillus, Gram negative bacilli, Enterococcus, Saprophytic Gram negative bacilli and rotaviral RNA have been identified in these products. It has been reported that these viruses could survive for hours on the clothes and thus become a source for the possibility of infecting the clothes. Studies on prevention of infection spread of antimicrobial imparted textile products are available in the literature. It is stated in the literature antimicrobial impregnated textiles are effective against pathogens such as S.aureus, Candida albicans, Acinetobacter Clostridium difficile and Klebsiella pneumoniae. On the other hand, bacteria resistance to antimicrobial agents, the use of antimicrobial active substances increases and this can lead to weakening of the immune system, as well as various drawbacks. For this reason, it would be beneficial for nurses to follow the evidences that antimicrobial textile products and antimicrobial agents have on patients, new symptoms that may develop, individual comments on patient treatments, nurses to record their own observations, and evidence-based research findings that show differences between traditional products.Conclusion: More studies on the transfer of microorganisms from the disease to the clinical situation are needed. In the long term various regulations on the production and use of antimicrobial textiles may need to be made. |
12. | The empowerment program for women exposed to domestic violence and nursing Emel Bahadır Yılmaz, Fatma Öz doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2019.338 Pages 338 - 342 The empowerment program is implemented to ensure that the woman is able to get rid of the abusive relationship and should be aware of violence who she experienced. The aim of this program is to increase independence and control over their own lives of women exposed to domestic violence, and to improve their decision making and problem solving skills. The empowerment program consists of components including improving self-esteem, building safety behaviors, increasing perceived social support, defining phenomenon of violence, improving asking for help and counseling about legal issues. This paper is included introducing the components of empowerment programs and samples of researches about empowerment program applied for women experiencing domestic violence. These studies show that the empowerment program is an effective method for women experiencing domestic violence. |
13. | Development of School Nursing in the World and Turkey Makbule Tokur Kesgin, Songül Çağlar doi: 10.5222/KUHEAD.2019.343 Pages 343 - 352 School health services have started as a movement that has emerged as public health nurses see and intervene in the health needs of schools. This movement, first seen in England and France, has been seen in America in the 19th century and Turkey with the establishment of Republic. Wars, migration, industrialization, poverty have led to the need for school health services. Public health nurses have made important contributions to school health through home visits, regular checks and health records. This has resulted in governments and voluntary organizations recognizing the need for nurses to maintain school health and appointing nurses in schools.. In countries where school health services have developed, nurses are at the forefront in planning and implementing health promotion programs. Most nurses offer one or more schools alone school health services. These nurses receive certification training after their undergraduate education and renew their certifications for a certain period of time. Although there are various regulations in school nursing legislation in Turkey, there are some issues that need to be solved. In this article, the development of school nursing with samples from the world and Turkey and school nursing services in Turkey examined. |
14. | Congenital Osteopetrosis and Nursing Care: Case Report Halil İbrahim Taşdemir, Emine Efe doi: 10.5222/KUHEAD.2019.353 Pages 353 - 360 Osteopetrosis is a hereditary bone disease caused by impaired osteoclasts. For this reason, this disease, which is extremely rare and difficult to diagnose, can now be treated by bone marrow transplantation. In this very rare study, 38 days old osteopetrozis cases presented with complaints of nutrition, restlessness and jaundice to the hospital were presented in the context of related resources and their innovations in nursing care were examined. Because of the occurrence of osteopetrozis and thrombocytopenia as well as the necessity of intensive and careful nursing care in the case, it was aimed to present the case within the scope of nursing care plan according to North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA-I). In this case, a multidisciplinary approach to complications is aimed at monitoring and managing the symptoms. Nurses are at the center of this multidisciplinary team in managing symptoms. |
15. | Nursing Care According to Functional Health Patterns in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Case Report Fadime Yel, Hilal Uysal doi: 10.5222/KUHEAD.2019.361 Pages 361 - 367 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a common, preventable, and treatable disease characterized with persistent airflow limitation due to airway and/or alveolar abnormalities and respiratory symptoms, usually caused by severe exposure to harmful particles or gases. The aim of the nursing care in COPD is to reduce the symptoms of the disease and the hospitalization due to recurring acute inflammations, and to avoid the complications related with the COPD and also to educate patients and their families. The respiratory difficulties, coughs, phlegm, and bruising and chest pain before five days from hospitalization of 58-year-old male patient M.K., used on medication regularly, and followed with physician controls, was seen. The patient increased the dose of the medication to pass this indication, but then again, he applied to the hospital for continuing complaints. Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns, Nursing Care Model was applied to the M.K in this study. The nursing interventions were applied to M.K. determining the nursing diagnoses including “inefficient respiratory pattern, inefficiency in sustaining health, constipation, infection risk, falling risk, activity intolerance, nutrition less than the body requirements, inefficient individual nutrition, disruption in oral mucosa membrane, disruption in swallowing, disruption in sleep, and disruption in sexual functions” and the results were evaluated. |
16. | Subject Index Page E1 Abstract | |
17. | Author Index Page E2 Abstract | |
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