E-ISSN 2757-9204

Journal of Education and Research in Nursing

Volume: 2  Issue: 2 - December 2005
1. Editörün Kaleminden
Emine Türkmen
Page 1
Abstract |Full Text PDF

2. Ethical Management in Organizations
Aytolan Yıldırım
Pages 2 - 6
Although ethics has been a subject of debate for more than two thousand years, the topics of ethical management and business conduct in organizations have only emerged as an outcome of the social responsibility movement that first appeared in the 1960’s. The treatment of these topics has encompassed the goals of meeting the expectations of the community, protecting the rights of both service providers and receivers and adopting and implementing ethical principles in management that are based on universally accepted values. The concept of ethical management or management based on morals deals with decision-making that is consistent, fair and to the benefit of all. It imposes upon managers the basic tenets of impartiality, adherence to the truth, respect for the individual and the choice of those actions that are to the benefit of all concerned, actions to be based on such universal values as justice, honesty, openness, love and tolerance. This article will discuss such topics as ethics and morality, business ethics, management ethics, ethical leadership and management of community morals within the scope of a concept of management based on ethical values, taking into consideration the importance of these in terms of management and the organization.

3. Side Effects of Antineoplastic Drugs and Nursing Approaches
Gülbeyaz Can
Pages 8 - 15
Chemotherapy changes the biochemical operation of cells and prevents their growth, either directly or indirectly. It is generally used, either by itself or together with surgery and radiotherapy, as a method of treatment for cancer, aiming to eradicate abnormal cells without harming normal cells, hinder the development of tumors and control symptoms such as pain and obstruction. Having different mechanisms of effect, antineoplastic drugs can be administered as a single drug or in a combination with other drugs. These drugs at the same time effect normal rapidly-multiplying cells such as are found in bone marrow, hair and mucus and are the cause of various side effects in the patient. Some of these effects may be internal bleeding, fatigue, infection, alopecia, stomatitis and diarrhea. In addition, the drugs affect the internal organs and increase the risk of cardiac, renal, pulmonary, hepatic, reproductive and neurological toxicity. While the degree and frequency of side effects differ from individual to individual, inability to control developing side effects during the process of treatment may cause patients to shy away from treatment, reduce treatment doses or even terminate treatment altogether. It is for this reason and so that effective treatment may be sustained that the chemotherapy nurse must inform the patient of the side effects of the prescribed chemotherapy before treatment begings. The nurse mut follow the side effects of the treatment closely and if necessary, plan effective nursing interventions using the approach of team collaboration to ensure that the patient’s problems are under control.

4. Assesment of Respiratory System
Diler Sepit
Pages 16 - 19
The purpose of respiratory assesment is to assess the respiratory organs and their functions. Respiratory assesment methods are inspection, percussion, palpation and auscultation. In this article, you will also find knowledge abouth the main respiratory organs, history taking related with respiratory illness, normal/abnormal findings related to respiratory system.

5. Invasive Mechanical Ventilation and Care of the Patient with Mechanical Ventilation
Emine Türkmen
Pages 22 - 29
Mechanical ventilation consists of providing respiratory support for patients by means of a machine designed for this purpose. In cases of acute respiratory failure caused by various factors, mechanical ventilation is used to decrease the ventilatory workload and regulate oxigenation and acute respiratory acidosis. The health team involved in administering mechanical ventilation during the care of a patient must be well informed about the indications for mechanical ventilation, the modes and settings used in the process, alarm factors and the intervention to be applied in such cases. There are many studies in the literature concerning the application of mechanical ventilation. Making use of these studies in the care and monitoring of patients requiring mechanical ventilation and creating-based care plans will improve the quality of care and also reduce costs. This article encompasses a description of the modes of mechanical ventilation most frequently used, the types of alrms that can be encountered during ventilation along with the action needed to remedy such cases, as well as a review of the evidence-based applications that may be used in patient monitoring and care.

6. Aspiration
Diler Sepit
Pages 30 - 34
Abstract |Full Text PDF

7. The Effects of Mothers Working Situation on the Psychological Adaptation of the Children Who are School Age
Gülçin Bozkurt, Sevil İnal, Leyla Erdim
Pages 35 - 38
OBJECTIVE: This study was planned demographically and analytically to investigate the effect of the working status of mothers, who have an unavoidable place in the development of children, on the mental health of children.
METHODS: The sample of the study was formed 152 mothers who had 6-12 age group children. The collection of data was done by the use of forms which were developed by the researcher and the Psychological Adaptation Questionnaire.
RESULTS: It was determined that there were mental maladjustment problems in the 38.8% of the children in the working group and the most frequent problems observed were biting nails-sucking fingers 15.9% and lack of success at school 15.2%. It was found that there were no statistical relations between the working status of mothers with the existence of problems in the children.
CONCLUSION: In the working group, neurotic problems were observed more in daughters and behavioral problems were observed more in sons.

8. 12 Derivation ECG Interpretation
Diler Sepit
Pages 39 - 40
Abstract |Full Text PDF

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