E-ISSN 2757-9204

Journal of Education and Research in Nursing

Volume: 14  Issue: 4 - December 2017
1. Editörün Kaleminden
Aygül Akyüz
Page II

2. Determination Of Prior Educational Needs Of Bone Marrow Transplantation Recipients İn Our Society
Seçkin Erdal, Şerife Koçubaba, Kübra Çıtlak, Günay Boz, Serap Bostancı, Ebru Koç, Fatma Bilgin, Rahime Ören, Hüseyin Saffet Beköz, Gülbeyaz Can
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2017.239  Pages 239 - 245
INTRODUCTION: Bone marrow transplantation causes many physical and psycho-social problems in patients. Therefore, it is of importance to inform the patient/patient’s relatives verbally or in writing about bone marrow transplantation before hospitalisation to avoid worries. During an efficient information process, the first step to take is to evaluate their need of information. PURPOSE: The study is for defining information need of patients who will undergo for bone marrow transplantation.
METHODS: This study, having a multi-centred definition, has been carried out during the dates of May 2015 – July 2016 by the participation of 350 patients hospitalised for bone marrow transplantation. Before the study, the patients gave their approval for the written/verbal information. At first hospitalisation, an identification form containing the specifications on the demographic structure of patients and their transplantation was filled out. They were given an empty form to write any question they are curious about from the moment of their hospitalisation until they are discharged from the hospital. During the statistical evaluation of the data, defining statistics and non-parametric tests were used.
RESULTS: Before transplantation 48,3% of patients had been informed about bone marrow transplantation. 48,3% of all patients wanted to be informed on the process of transplantation. The need for information did not show any discrepancies depending on individual characteristics or the process of transplantation.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The results we obtained showed similarities with other studies carried out in relation with this subject. CONCLUSION: Independent of whether the patients are informed about the bone marrow transplantation before transplantation or not, the patients’ need for information continues and it is important that a planned training program is created and carried out regarding this issue.

3. The Knowledge and Views of Nurses about Medical Calibration Measurements
Mana Sezdi, Gülay Altay Güneş
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2017.246  Pages 246 - 253
INTRODUCTION: It is the determination of knowledge and views of nurses about medical calibration measurements.
METHODS: The used scientific method in this study is descriptive study. The survey is composed of a total of 26 questions. The research has been analyzed in the form of percentiles. The study population is composed of the nurses working in 1 public hospital, 1 private hospital and 3 educational research hospitals.
RESULTS: In the results of the study, it is seen that the meaning of each label is understood very well. However, it is identified that there are nurses who know the medical calibration measurement like setting (4.5%). This study shows that there are problems during reading the certificate (42.5%), and that the results in the certificate are not reflected to the measurements (28.5%). The data obtained were evaluated in comparison with the application content specified in the "Guidelines for Biomedical Metrology Activities" published by the Ministry of Health.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: It has been determined that nurses have a certain knowledge background on calibration measurements, but this level of knowledge is not at a sufficient level. It must be targeted that all staff should be trained and the training should be repeated to access the new staff. Thus, it can be achieved that the nurses may participate in the medical calibration measurement process and support it.

4. Evaluating the Relationship between Teamwork and Motivation in Nurses and Affecting Factors
Ayşe Çelik, Anita Karaca
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2017.254  Pages 254 - 263
INTRODUCTION: This study was conducted for the purpose of evaluating the effect of nurse motivation levels on teamwork and the determining factors.
METHODS: This descriptive work was carried out in a private group hospital operating in Istanbul. A “Nurse Information Form”, “Teamwork Behavior Measure”, and “Motivation Measure”, all of which were created to determine characteristics regarding the socio-demographic and working life of nurses, were used in collecting research data. Upon obtaining the necessary institution and measure permissions, it was proceeded to the data collection stage and it was applied to 304 nurses who agreed to participate in the research. In analysis of the data, percentage, arithmetic average, frequency, standard deviation, median, minimum, maximum, Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis, Spearman’s correlation tests were used. Statistical evaluation of the data was performed using SPSS 16.0.
RESULTS: The nurses were women (78%), 20-29 years old (65.1%), single (67.1%), college/university graduates (%37.8%). The statement “Team leaders must ensure that team members help each other when necessary” received the highest point (4.26±0.988) from the “Teamwork Behavior Measure”, while the statement “Helping team members is an indicator that the individual does not have much work to do” received the lowest point (2.80±1.422). The statement “I do my workfondly” received the highest point (4.20±0.972) from the “Motivation Measure”, and it has been seen that the statement “I worry that I could be fired at any moment” received the lowest point (2.68±1.277).
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: We found that there is a significant relation between nurses motivation levels and teamwork. Some characteristics of nurses regarding socio-demographic and work life affect their motivation levels and attitudes towards team work.

5. The Effects of Psychoeducation Given to Care Staff in Private Care Centers on their Knowledge, Attitudes, and Approaches about Schizophrenia
Burcu Demir Gökmen, Ayşe Okanlı
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2017.264  Pages 264 - 274
INTRODUCTION: This study was carried out to determine the effects of psychoeducation on the knowledge, attitudes and approaches of the care staff who work in private care centers about schizophrenia.
METHODS: This study was carried out between the dates 01.11.2011 and 28.06.2013 in private care centers in the city of Ağrı with 68 care staff who agreed to join the research with pre-test, post-test, quasi-experimental design with comparative group. An introductory information form and schizophrenia oriented questionnaire form related with knowledge, attitiudes and approaches were used for gathering data. Psychoeducation was given to four groups (5-6 persons) for 45 minutes of education duration per week, 3 days a week during 10 weeks. Percentage distributions and chi-square test were used in the evaluation of the data.
RESULTS: After psychoeducation, it was found that increased the knowledge of the care staff about the causes, treatment and medication of schizophrenia and the socialisation of the patients when compared to the comparative group and pre-psychoeducation. It was also found that the results were statistically important (p<0.001). After the psychoeducation, compared to the pre-psychoeducation and comparative group and when the attitudes of the care staff against the communication, nutrition, sleep, uncontrolled behaviour, occupation and rules related with the patients who suffer from schizophrenia taken into account, it was determined that negative attitudes were decreased and positive attitudes were increased.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Psychoeducation affected the knowledge, attitudes and approches about schizophrenia positively of the care staff, who work in private care centers. According to this results, it can be recommended that, in the training care staff psychoeducation programs should be prepared continuously, regularly and become widespread.

6. Emotional Intelligence Levels of Nursing Students and Affecting Factors
Hulya Fırat Kılıç, Serpil Çağlıyan, Gülten Sucu Dağ
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2017.275  Pages 275 - 282
INTRODUCTION: This study was performed to determine emotional quotient and affecting factors in nursing students.
METHODS: The study population included 325 students studying nursing at Health Services School of Health Sciences Faculty at Doğu Akdeniz University in the academic year of 2014-2015. No sampling method was used and the study sample was composed of 222 students voluntarily participating in the study (68%). Data were collected with Personal Characteristics Form, involving questions about socio-demographics, and the Emotional Quotient Inventory. Obtained data were analyzed with Statistical Package Program for Social Sciences 15 and evaluated with Mann Whitney U Test and Kruskal Wallis H test.
RESULTS: The mean total score was 123.31± 34.27 for the Emotional Quotient Inventory, 23.04±6.91 for its subscale empathy, 22.41±6.99 for its subscale awareness about feelings, 21.83±6.73 for its subscale motivating oneself, 21.38±6.37 for its subscale, social skills and 20.71±6.34 for its subscale management of feelings. Although there was a statistically significant difference between emotional quotient and year of study, type of university exam, education levels of fathers and receiving a course about emotional quotient (p<0.05), the difference between emotional quotient and gender was not significant (p>0.05).
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The results of the study showed that the students had low emotional quotient scores and that their emotional intelligence needs to be improved. It is important that nursing education plans include courses and training strategies to develop emotional intelligence.

7. The Role of Surgical Nurses in Home Care in the Light of Florence Nightingale
Kübra Yılmaz Şenyüz, Sema Koçaşlı, Emine Tuğba Topçu
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2017.283  Pages 283 - 286
Florence Nightingale is one of the most important person who reveals the laws of nursing deserebing the first approach by defining nursing and contributing to the development of world and in our country. She considered nursing as an application that prepares the best condition to resuscicate the patient in this condition. She saw the environment as the most important factor. Furthermore under conditions in which she was. She noticed that the discipline in the team, the use of a common language and care given needed to be educated was so important in the hospitals where she worked. She proposed that women who would be entrusted with the care of the sick person needed to be specially trained.
She was one of the pioneers of the home care service by offering a plan in which the educated women were employed as a private nurse in the hospitals and the regions where they were.
In this direction, ın the period after surgery individuals applied particular surgery are at risk in terms of complications and home healing process is important. For this reason identification of the problems that individuals live is so important in terms of planning to home care services. ın addition, nurse who visits home has a responsibility such as evaluating the environment providing information against damaging factors, preventing exposure to environmental risk, having a adequate and current information an environmental health and questioning the credibility of this information.
As a result, it is important that surgical nursing gather information about patients’s live area and their requirements for effective and comprehensive education and training of discharge.

8. Nursing, Aesthetic and Art
Leyla Muslu, Süheyla Altuğ Özsoy
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2017.287  Pages 287 - 291
In the literature though art and aesthetic dimension of nursing has been ignored. Nursing which is an holistic caring profession in the sustainability and development of the health of a family and a society can also be seen as an art of helping; for, nurses just do not act, but also think and feel. If nursing care, with a holistic view, are formed with individual creative mind, and reaches the aesthetic sense, a satisfactory interaction may be possible for both those serving and being served. Thus, the aim of this study is to discuss the relation between art and nursing taking aesthetic dimension of nursing into account based on the review of the views of authors and studies in the literature.

9. Adjustment Disorder and Nursing Approach
Emine Öksüz, Sevinç Mersin
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2017.292  Pages 292 - 297
Adjustment disorders are short-term maladaptive reactions to the situation described as psychosocial stress. In this disorder; deterioration is evident in social life, work life and other functions. Adjustment disorder is one of the most common psychiatric diagnoses seen in patients, who are hospitalized for medical or surgical reasons. Although it is widely seen and leads to loss of functionality, the number of studies related to adjustment disorder and nursing approach is very limited. In this article, nursing approach of nurses to individuals with adjustment disorder was discussed in accordance with the earlier studies in the literature and goals of nursing care were also discussed.

10. Psychosocial Approach of Gynecological Cancer Patients
Aslı Eker, Ergül Aslan
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2017.298  Pages 298 - 303
Symptoms experienced as a result of gynecological cancers and applied chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgical treatments is perceived as a threat by the female to body image, sexual identity and reproductive. Therefore, women's and family may show complex emotional and behavioral responses at all stages of the disease such as diagnosis, treatment, recurrence after treatment and palliative periods. The diagnosis of gynecological cancer in women causes unrelated to sexual activity of women, inability to reach orgasm, perception of femininity, reproductive ability, body image and negative effects on social interaction. Also disrupted the social roles leads to prevention of the individual, anxiety, worry and experience a sense of uncertainty. Psychological disorders are often overlooked in the daily process of Oncology. In this process, patients and their families needs to support for increase the quality of life. Psychosocial treatment and care develops coping skills of patients and their families and it increases their adaptation to illness. Therefore, in order to provide optimal care nurses must take into account the patient's psycho-social care needs.

11. Complementary Therapies in the Management of Induced Oral Mucositis during Cancer Treatment
Nur İzgü
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2017.304  Pages 304 - 310
Oral mucositis, is an important problem that may cause pain, weight loss, and the delay of treatment, and lead to a low quality of life in patients undergoing cancer treatment. Despite available mouth care approaches, the problem remains unsolved and effects of new methods have been investigated. Among these methods, complementary therapies have become one of the areas where health professionals conduct research to generate evidence for the management of oral mucositis. Cryotherapy, low level laser treatment, herbal methods and nutritional supplements, apitherapy, essential oils and cognitive behavioral techniques are among these complementary therapies. In this review, samples of studies investigating the effect of complementary therapies for oral mucositis management have been presented and the recommendations appeared in evidence based guidelines have been reported.

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