E-ISSN 2757-9204

Journal of Education and Research in Nursing


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1. An analysıs of pregnancy perceptıon of pregnant women ın terms of stress, demographıc and obstetrıc characterıstıcs
Anayit Margirit Coşkun
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.001  J Educ Res Nurs 2020; 17 - 1 | Pages 1 - 8

2. The Examination of The Graduate Studies Performed by Using The Theory And Model in The Nursing Field at Turkey: A Systematic Review
Gül Şahin, Cevahir İlkim Buldak, Vildan Kaya, Gülten Güvenç, Emine İyigün
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.60320  J Educ Res Nurs 2020; 17 - 2 | Pages 170 - 179

3. Recommendations of The Current Guidelines For Burn Care
Nazife Gamze Özer Özlü, Fatma Vural
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.07088  J Educ Res Nurs 2020; 17 - 2 | Pages 187 - 193

4. The Effect of Roy Adaptation Model on the Adaptation Status of Patients after Surgical Intervention
Kıymet Öztepe Yeşilyurt
doi: 10.14744/jern.2021.21246  J Educ Res Nurs 2023; 20 - 3 | Pages 277 - 283

5. Determination of The Relationship Between Perception of Nursing Quality and Satisfaction Status of Patiens Hospitalized in Surgical Services
Özlem Kersu, Selda Mert Boğa, Nedime Kosgeroglu, Aylin Aydın Sayilan, Gonca İlter, Canan Baydemir
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.032  J Educ Res Nurs 2020; 17 - 1 | Pages 32 - 39

6. Using Simulation in Nursing Education: A Review on Postgraduate Theses in Turkey
Ayse Akalin, Sevi&775;l Şahi&775;n
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.37074  J Educ Res Nurs 2020; 17 - 2 | Pages 139 - 147

7. Writing Title, Abstract, Keywords and Author Informations in Scientific Research Articles
Ayşenur Turan, Gu&776;lu&776;mser Dolgun
doi: 10.5152/jern.2021.52244  J Educ Res Nurs 2021; 18 - 1 | Pages 77 - 82

8. Nursing Model and Care: Evaluation of a Diagnosed Infant with Short Bowel Syndrome by Levine Protection Model
Merve Gümüş, Yasemin Yıldırım, Fisun Şenuzun Aykar, Çiçek Fadıloğlu
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.091  J Educ Res Nurs 2020; 17 - 1 | Pages 91 - 97

9. The Nursing Care that is Structured According to the Roy Adaptation Model for a Patient with Amputation Surgery
Çiğdem Kaya, Özlem Bilik
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10. The Reasons for The Nurses not to Use Ventrogluteal Region in Intramuscular Injection Administration
Serpil Sü, Ebru Bekmezci
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.046  J Educ Res Nurs 2020; 17 - 1 | Pages 46 - 50

11. Evaluating the Relationship between Nursing Students’ Awareness of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Health Behaviors with Health Literacy
Sibel Peksoy Kaya, Sena Kaplan
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.01112  J Educ Res Nurs 2020; 17 - 4 | Pages 304 - 311

12. Evidence Based Complementary Approaches in the Management of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy in Cancer Patients
Emel Emine Özdemir Kayıkçı, Gülbeyaz Can
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.059  J Educ Res Nurs 2020; 17 - 1 | Pages 59 - 65

13. Rumination and Its Impact on Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Sinem Öcalan, Yeter Sinem Üzar Özçetin
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.31549  J Educ Res Nurs 2020; 17 - 4 | Pages 354 - 358

14. COVID-19 Pandemic and Nursing Education Association Activities
Fahriye Vatan, Elif Unsal Avdal, Hande Yagcan Dag, Deniz Şanlı
doi: 10.5222/KUHEAD.2020.32858  J Educ Res Nurs 2020; 17 - 4 | Pages 369 - 373

15. Nursing Care of The Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patient According to Orem's Theory of Self-Care Deficiency: A Case Report
Arzu Uslu, Özlem Canbolat
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16. Care of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis Patient According to Neuman System Model: Case Report
Emine Arıcı, Gülten Güvenç, Emine İyigün
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.083  J Educ Res Nurs 2020; 17 - 1 | Pages 83 - 90

17. Nonprescription Drug Usage Among Nursing Students
Semra Açıksöz, Gönül Kurt, Merve Seyfi
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.017  J Educ Res Nurs 2020; 17 - 1 | Pages 17 - 23

18. Determination of the Factors Affecting the Birth Style Preferences of Primiparas
Emine Temizkan, Samiye Mete
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.43179  J Educ Res Nurs 2020; 17 - 2 | Pages 112 - 119

19. The Effect of Parents on the Hospital Anxiety Level of Hospitalized Children
Hilal Kaynak, Çağrı Çövener Özçelik
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.65471  J Educ Res Nurs 2020; 17 - 4 | Pages 312 - 316

20. Determination of the Metaphors About Nurse Perception of 7-17 Age Hospitalized Children and Adolescents
sibel küçük, Kadriye Demır, Dilek Uludaşdemir
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.040  J Educ Res Nurs 2020; 17 - 1 | Pages 40 - 45

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