E-ISSN 2757-9204

Journal of Education and Research in Nursing

Volume: 5  Issue: 1 - June 2008
1. Editörün Kaleminden
Emine Türkmen
Page 1
Abstract |Full Text PDF

2. The Importance of Nursing for Primary Health Care
Elizabeth Anne Herdman
Pages 2 - 5
The World Health Organization has identified Primary Health Care
as the key to providing universal access to acceptable and affordable
health care for people everywhere. In recognition of the substantial
contribution made to Primary Health Care by the nursing profession
the WHO urged member countries to encourage greater emphasis on
Primary Health Care in nursing education curricula and to take active
steps to increase the participation of nurses in planning, management,
training and research in relation to the development of health systems
through Primary Health Care. This article interrogates Turkish health
system and emphasizes the importance of Primary Health Care and
nursing to decrease mother and baby mortality rate and improve
Turkey’s health indicators.

3. Venous Thromboembolism and Nursing Care
Semiha Akın, Emel Horasan
Pages 7 - 11
Venous thromboembolism is one of the major health problems affecting
the community. The close monitoring of patients for risk assessment
facilitates the early diagnosis of venous thromboembolism. Nurses
have important roles and responsibilities in the prevention of the deep
venous thrombosis, which is mostly asymptomatic, and the
complications, and in diagnosis process and reducing treatment and
care cost.

4. Care of the Child who has Febrile Seizure
Suzan Yıldız, Duygu Gözen
Pages 12 - 16
Febrile seizures (FS) are the most common form of the other cerebral
seizures which are frequently seen 5 month - 5 years old children and
arises with high body temprature. The reason of the FS is not clearly
explored by pathophysiology of this symptom but there are some
spesific differences of FS. FS is evaluated as appeared beside of infection
diseases with high fever (high body temperature over 38 °C) of central
nervous system & after newborn period. The American Academy of
Pediatrics’ suggestions is used for identifying FS. Simple FS is usually
reliefs automatically in 2-3 minutes. If the attacks of FS continued
long time or recrudescence more than ones and has been complex or
febrile status epilepticus attacs usually medical theraphy has to be
indicated for long time. For the acute theraphy and the care of FS
these steps has to practiced one by one; airway has to open, convulsion
has to stopped, the fever has to reduced, knowledge has to given to
family and if needed child has to hospitalized.

5. Effective Dietary Interventions for overweight and Obese Children
Diler Sepit
Pages 17 - 21
Abstract |Full Text PDF

6. Intravascular Catheters and Prevention of Peripheral Venous Catheter-Related Infections
Vildan Çakar
Pages 24 - 33
Today, intravascular catheters are one of the indispensable devise
in advanced medical applications. Intravascular devices cause rising
of the mortality and morbidity because of the mechanical and
infectious complications. Pheripheral venous catheters are frequently
used for hospitalized patients. There are two part in this article.
First part of the article emphasizes intravascular catheters types
and range of infection, catheter related complications,
microorganisms which cause bloodstream infections and risk factors
of intravascular catheter-related infections. Using recommendations
current guidelines second part of article aims to introduce to the
readers infection control measures related peripheric venous catheters
which are commonly applied by nurses.

7. Reproductive Health Awareness Development Project: Genital Discharge
Hediye Arslan, Nuran Kömürcü, Hatice Yıldız Eryılmaz, Nimet Sevgi Gençalp, Feride Engin Yiğit, Zübeyde Ekşi, Özlem Can Gürkan, Dilek Coşkuner Potur, Dilek Sayın, Nevin Çıtak Bilgin
Pages 34 - 40
OBJECTIVE: Our research was planned to evaluate genital discharges,
lead suspected participants for suitable diagnosis and treatment, protect
from genital tract infections, take corrective-actions in case of improper
applications and provide education counsel for active treatment.
METHODS: Experimental and prospective research, the subject of
experiment consisted of women who come to 7 cultural centers which
are located in Üsküdar in ‹stanbul. Sample group was composed of
women who were randomly controlled chosen, between ages of 15-
49, literate, married, having not experienced menopause and accepting
to join the study in 4 cultural centers. Experiment group subjects were
submitted to a four week education-counseling program. Control
group subjects were trained only once on different issues. Total 610
women were reached and among ones who met sampling criteria 88
women were selected for experiment group and 87 women for control
RESULTS: According to the evaluations of study made pre and post 4
weeks education and at the end of the 3rd months of the education,
the experiment group showed major positive relations with the
information grade averages. It was determined that percentage of
abnormal vaginal discharge for groups was 54.4% visiting a physician
because of the discharge was 37.5% for experiment group and 31%
for control group. Experiment group showed highly significant
improvement with the general attitude score, in subgroups of the
habitual visit of physician and prevent from genital infection while
control group showed a minor difference in subgroup of the habitual
visit of physician.
CONCLUSION: As a result, training program which was planned to
improve reproductive health awareness development in order to prevent
genital discharge and sustainment of effective treatment proved to be
successful in cognitive, sensorial and behavioral aspects.

8. 12 Derivation ECG Interpretation
Emine Türkmen
Pages 42 - 43
Abstract |Full Text PDF

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