E-ISSN 2757-9204

Journal of Education and Research in Nursing

Volume: 17  Issue: 1 - March 2020
1. Editorial

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4. An analysıs of pregnancy perceptıon of pregnant women ın terms of stress, demographıc and obstetrıc characterıstıcs
Anayit Margirit Coşkun
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.001  Pages 1 - 8
INTRODUCTION: Determination of the effects of stress, demographic and obstetric characteristics on pregnancy perception.
METHODS: This cross-sectional study comprised 397 pregnant women admitted to the outpatient clinic. The data were obtained by using the introductory information form, Self-Perception of Pregnants Scale and Prenatal Distress Questionnaire.
RESULTS: 82.9% of the women were in the age range of 18-35 years, 36.8% were primigravida and 68.3% had planned pregnancy. The average Self Perception of Pregnants Scale-Maternity sub-dimension score of pregnants was found to be 25.82 ± 2.87; the average of Body sub-dimension score was 9.41 ± 3.67; the average of Prenatal Distress Questionnaire score was 10.26 ± 5.18. It was determined that planned pregnancy and family harmony had a positive effect on maternity and body perception score average. The problems experienced in the current pregnancy were significantly affected negatively.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In this study, maternal and body perceptions were found to be adversely affected as the stress level of the pregnant women increased. The stress levels and maternal-body perceptions were negatively affected by the pregnancies that were pregnant without planning, who had health problems in this pregnancy and were incompatible with their spouses.

5. Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Pain Scale: The Study of Validity and Reability
Aylin Kurt, Müge Seval, Ceyda Afacan
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.009  Pages 9 - 16
INTRODUCTION: It was aimed to evaluate Turkish validity and reliability of the Eastern Ontario Children's Hospital Pain Scale.
METHODS: This methodological study was carried out with 60 children who were 1-5 year-aged undergone a surgical procedure in Zonguldak Obstetrics Gynecology and Children Hospital between April-June 2016. Translation-back translation for the validity of the language, Davis technique for the content validity factor analyses for the construct validity was used. Inter-observer compliance, parallel form reliability, item total correlation and Chronbach alpha coefficient were used for the reliability.
RESULTS: There were compatibility among experts' opinions regarding items taking place in scale. For reliability, high correlation rates were obtained from independent observers (researcher-nurse) and forms (Eastern Ontario Children's Hospital Pain Scale-Wong Baker Scale) (98.6%, 94.8%) (94.4%, 94.1%). The results of factor analysis were acceptable and the item-total correlation coefficients were between 0.70 and 0.90, Cronbach's alpha value was 0.912.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The Turkish validity and reliability of the Eastern Ontario Children's Hospital Pain Scale, which was developed by Patrick J. McGrath et al. in the original English language, is high in our country. It is recommended that the scale should be used by Turkish health team members in the evaluation of postoperative pain in children.

6. Nonprescription Drug Usage Among Nursing Students
Semra Açıksöz, Gönül Kurt, Merve Seyfi
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.017  Pages 17 - 23
INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to determine the opinions and attitudes and related factors of nursing students regarding the non-prescription drug usage.
METHODS: This descriptive study was conducted on 368 nursing students who volunteered to participate in the study in a nursing college during the 2014-2015 academic year. The "Data Collection Form" created by investigators after reviewing of the relevant literature was used for data collection. Data were analyzed using the percentage, mean and Chi-square test.
RESULTS: The mean age of the students was 20.39±1.22. The non-prescription drug usage of the students within the previous year was 89.9%. It was determined that the students mostly used drugs for headache (76.7%) and analgesics (88.2%) were the most commonly used drugs. The reasons of non-prescription drug usage of the students were; "the problem is not important to consult the physician (53.2%)" and “the drug has been used before (49.2%). The affecting factors on using non-prescription drug of the students were; having leftover drugs at home (46.8%), and using of the drug earlier (40.2%). There was no statistically significant difference between the ' non-prescription drug usage of students and sociodemographic characteristics (p> 0.05).
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Non-prescription drug usage rate of the students was quite high in this study. Students need to be informed about rational drug use to prevent the non-prescription drug usage.

7. Studying the epidemiologic characteristics of children with type-i diabetes followed in izmir
Nazlı Şebnem Çarkçı, Süheyla Altuğ Özsoy
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.024  Pages 24 - 31
INTRODUCTION: The Diabetes Follow-Up Cards of children with type 1 diabetes who followed up in İzmir, determine their epidemiologic characteristics when investigated descriptively.
METHODS: The population of the study consists of 1079 Type 1 diabetic children followed up in 3 institutions with pediatric endocrinology Polyclinics. No sample selection was made. A “diagnostic form for children with type-1 diabetes” based on line with literature has been developed was used as a data collection tool.
RESULTS: The mean age of the children is 12.23, the mean age of diagnosis is 7.8, 60.2% are live in İzmir, 51.3% are girls, 62.1% exclusively breastfeed for 6 months, 33.5% received supplementary food before 6 months, 24.7% started formula baby food before 6 months, 33.9% started cow milk before 12 months, 27.8% used vitamin D, 49.5% had chickenpox before diagnosis, 35,4% experienced infection within last 1 year before diagnosis, 32% experienced stress before diagnosis, 15.5% had kinship between their parents.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The factors increasing the risk of type 1 such as stress, infection and transmission of infectious diseases, use of vitamin D and breastfeeding time, formula food, supplementary food and cow milk start times, family history of diabetes and consanguineous marriages are have been founded similar to the literature with this population. In line with these risk factors, it is recommended that the society can be informed about consanguineous marriage, vaccination, breast milk, formula baby food, vitamin D use, cow's milk and supplementary food start times.

8. Determination of The Relationship Between Perception of Nursing Quality and Satisfaction Status of Patiens Hospitalized in Surgical Services
Özlem Kersu, Selda Mert Boğa, Nedime Kosgeroglu, Aylin Aydın Sayilan, Gonca İlter, Canan Baydemir
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.032  Pages 32 - 39
INTRODUCTION: Aim of the study was to determine relationship between perception of nursing care quality and satisfaction status of patients hospitalized in surgical services.
METHODS: Sample of this descriptive-relational study consisted of 224 patients who were hospitalized and underwent surgical intervention. Patient Information Form, Caring Behaviour Inventory-24 and Newcastle Satisfaction Scale from Nursing Care Scale were used to collect data. Datas were evaluated by number, percentage, mean, standard deviation, one way variance and correlation analysis.
RESULTS: Mean age of patients was 55.28±18.05 years, hospitalization was 8.10±13.35 days, 62.5% were male, 43.3% were primary school graduates. The care behaviors score of patients was found 4.87(3.95–5.37) and nursing care satisfaction score was 71.5(57.00-82,75). It was found that there was a significant positive correlation between total score of care scale of patients and total score of nursing care satisfaction(p <0.05). There was a significant negative correlation between age of patients and total score of satisfaction, commitment, care behaviors and satisfaction total score(p <0.05).
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: It was determined that patients nursing care quality and nursing care satisfaction scores were high and as total score increased, nursing care satisfaction score increased.

9. Determination of the Metaphors About Nurse Perception of 7-17 Age Hospitalized Children and Adolescents
sibel küçük, Kadriye Demır, Dilek Uludaşdemir
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.040  Pages 40 - 45
INTRODUCTION: This study was carried out with the help of metaphor for the perceptions of the concept of 'Nurse' among the children aged 7-17 years.
METHODS: In the research, phenomenologic method were used as a qualitative research method. The data were collected using the Personal Data Form and a metaphoric sentence 'Nurse is like..., because...' that is questioning the nursing perceptions,. The data were analyzed by content analysis technique.
RESULTS: The study was conducted with 19 children. 68.5% of the children were male, 73.6% 7-12 years old, 26.4% 13-17 years old and 58% hospitalized because of chronic diseases. Produced metaphors for the concept of 'nurse' were grouped totally into four categories, three main categories as primary care, participation in the implementation of the medical diagnosis / treatment plan, health protection and a mix category in which primer care and participation in the implementation of the medical diagnosis / treatment plan together.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: It has been determined that children have mainly a positive metaphor for the concept of 'Nurse'. The health care and health protection roles of the nurse are perceived as positive. In addition, positive and negative metaphors for the role of participation in the implementation of the medical diagnosis and treatment plan of the nurse have been produced.

10. The Reasons for The Nurses not to Use Ventrogluteal Region in Intramuscular Injection Administration
Serpil Sü, Ebru Bekmezci
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.046  Pages 46 - 50
INTRODUCTION: While it is recommended that ventrogluteal (VG) region shall be preferred due to its being safer in intramuscular (IM) injection administration, when we examine the clinical administration, it is seen that dorsogluteal region is mainly preferred by nurses. Accordingly, the present study was carried out in order to examine the reasons for the nurses not to prefer the VG region in IM injection administrations.
METHODS: The present descriptive-type study was carried out with 100 nurses who worked in a university hospital in Konya province between June – July 2018. A questionnaire form was used to collect data. In order to be able to carry out the study; the written institutional consent, the ethics committee approval and verbal consent of participants were received. The SPSS packaged software was used for evaluation of the data and number, percentage and mean values were calculated in analysis of the data.
RESULTS: Findings: It was seen that average age of the nurses participating in the study was 31.96±6.94, average working year was 10.41±6.18, 75% of them were female, 53% of them were bachelor, 50% of them worked in internal medicine clinics, 84% of them used dorsogluteal region in IM injection, 72% of them never performed an injection administration to ventrogluteal region. It was determined that the nurses didn’t use the VG region because they were unaccustomed to the VG region (40%), didn’t have enough information about the region (33%), didn’t know the region determination (31%), and the patients were unaccustomed to the region (30%).

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Nurses use the traditional region DG more because of the lack of knowledge and experience of the VG region,

11. Structured Group Empowerment Program in Cancer Experience to Improve Resilience and Posttraumatic Growth
Yeter Snem Üzar Özçetin, Duygu Hiçdurmaz
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.051  Pages 51 - 58
To provide appropriate support in chronic diseases like cancer have potential to influence daily life is very valuable. The main purpose of this support which can provide in different ways is to improve psychological health. The presence of resilience and post traumatic growth are important in this process. The support provided growth can be made by individual or group programs. It is thought that group programs are more effective in the adaptations of individuals to cancer process as a result of healing factors like learn one another, having similar experiences, improving hope, catharsis and universality. The positive effects of empowerment program which is defined in this study on resilience and posttraumatic growth has been presented with another study. It is thought that sharing the agenda of this empowerment program may help our colleagues for using it in practice and new researches in improving resilience and posttraumatic growth. The defined empowerment program can be used by qualified mental health nurses for people with cancer experience.

12. Evidence Based Complementary Approaches in the Management of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy in Cancer Patients
Emel Emine Özdemir Kayıkçı, Gülbeyaz Can
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.059  Pages 59 - 65
Peripheral neuropathy associated with chemotherapy in cancer patients is one of the common symptoms that adversely affect the daily life activities and quality of life of the patient. In studies conducted, peripheral neuropathy was observed in 67-80% of patients in the first year after discontinuation of treatment and 43% of patients had persistent neuropathy. Administration of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy often leads to a reduction in the dose of medication, intermittent discontinuation, or drug termination, which reduces the efficacy of treatment administered to the patient. Although there are many pharmacological and non-pharmacologic approaches such as acupuncture, reflexology, massage, foot bathing, cryotherapy, scrambler therapy, physical activity etc. to management of peripheral neuropathy, this problem remains to be updated and the effectiveness of new methods is being investigated.
This review is written for the purpose of reviewing the research on complementary approaches used in the management of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy.

13. Flight nursing: The example of Norway and Australia
Manar Aslan, Ergin Toros
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.66  Pages 66 - 72
The use of air medical transport worldwide has been increased in recent years. Special aircrafts and health professionals are required for safe air medical transport of critical patients in remote areas to health-care facilities. The majority of health professionals who are working in air medical transportation are flight nurses in many countries of the world. Flight nurses perform lifesaving medical interventions independent of direct medical officer’s orders. They also provide holistic approach to the patient before, during and after the flight. In Turkey, air medical transport service has been outsourced by Ministry of Health to private companies.and the flight team is mostly composed of doctors and paramedics. Specialization of nurses can be provided in such an important task and the care needs of the patients can be met more quickly. The quality of nursing care can be increased by establishing similar systems in Turkey.

14. The Investigation of The Relationship Between Reasons for Living and Suicidal Behavior in Psychiatric Inpatients: A Systematic Review
Reyhan Eskiyurt, Birgül Özkan
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.073  Pages 73 - 82
While suicide-related studies generally focus on the "negative" cognition of people, The Reason for Living Inventory developed by Linehan et al. focuses on "positive" cognition that protects people from suicidal behavior. This systematic review was carried out to determine whether the relationship between suicidal behavior and the reasons for living of suicidal behaviors of individuals living in psychiatric clinics is protective against suicidal behavior. This review was conducted between January 2016-August 2017 through electronic databases Pubmed, Science Direct and PsycInfo. We included 14 studies. Factors affecting suicidal thoughts and/or suicide attempts were investigated by evaluating the suicidal behavior of the patients who were treated in the psychiatric clinic. It has been determined that the narratives of impulsivity, aggression, hopelessness, depression, substance or alcohol use, childhood and adolescent abuse history, mental pain, presence of family suicide behavior, suicide attempt narrative, and borderline personality disorder are factors that increase suicidal behavior. Reasons for living are protective factors for suicidal behavior. İt is suggested that as the reasons for living increase, the possibility of suicide may decrease.

15. Care of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis Patient According to Neuman System Model: Case Report
Emine Arıcı, Gülten Güvenç, Emine İyigün
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.083  Pages 83 - 90
Some theories or models have emerged in order to be able to see the effective outcomes of nurses' care services, to establish a standard language, to systematically guide the collection and implementation of data, and to provide a framework for care and practice. These models are able to shed light on the profession, but they can be transferred to practice. Neuman System Model is a model that its nursing is individualized and holistic, taking care of both health care and disease care, aims to determine the physiological, psychological, sociocultural, spiritual and developmental needs of the patient, taking care of the patient in terms of stressors and stress sources, initiatives to plan in this direction. In this case report, the stressors experienced by a 20-year-old terminal patient with peritoneal carcinomatosis and the level of response to these stressors were examined and a care plan was prepared in the direction of this data. The purpose of this case report is to evaluate nursing care by taking the Neuman Systems Model guide and the availability of the use of the model patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis.

16. Nursing Model and Care: Evaluation of a Diagnosed Infant with Short Bowel Syndrome by Levine Protection Model
Merve Gümüş, Yasemin Yıldırım, Fisun Şenuzun Aykar, Çiçek Fadıloğlu
doi: 10.5222/HEAD.2020.091  Pages 91 - 97
Short-bowel syndrome is a disease characterized by anatomic / functional loss of small intestines, treatment-resistant diarrhea, steatore, weightloss, malnutrition, malabsorption and dehydration. The process of nursing is very important in the management of short-bowel syndrome and this process guides the nurses when they are synthesized with theories and models. One of the models used in nursing, Levine’s Conservation Model's aim; to ensure the integrity of the individual using conservation principles to promote harmony. The nurse achieves objectives of the model through the conservation of energy, structure, individual and social integrity.
In this article; The Levine Conservation Model is described and an example for the use of the model in the care of a four-month-old baby with Short Bowel Syndrome was created.

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