Journal of Education and Research in Nursing
1. | Editörün Kaleminden Emine Türkmen Pages 1 - 2 Abstract | |
2. | Changing Role of Fatherhood and Effects on Men's Health Ayla Ergin, Resmiye Özdilek Pages 3 - 8 Childbirth is an important, special and exciting experience which women can ever experience during their whole life. This experience provides to the mother self-respect and integrity, and to the father confidence and authority, and the family with power, on the other hand childbirth assigns important roles and responsibilities to the parents. In certain cultures, pregnancy and childbearing are still perceived as a “woman's work.” Prospective fathers are virtually ignored in that process. Psychological, economic and political changes, education, religious beliefs and social gender perception affect the expectations about gender and parenthood like the culture does. During the last three decades; the researches conducted on the responsibilities of fathers and effects of fatherhood on men's health are quite limited in our country; even if there is an reasonable increase in the rates of their efforts to take part in the pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum processes. In fact, nurses and midwives who serve considering also the sense of parenthood and the cultural values of the society must present their service in an integral way in order to increase the quality of their parental services; they must include also the prospective fathers into this care service and they also must reconsider the effects of fatherhood on men and family health. By this theorical perspective titles such as “fatherhood concept in historical process; the relationship between fatherly behavior and the hormones; fatherhood during pregnancy, birth and after-birth; the effects of fatherhood on men’s health” are discussed. Furthermore, within the frame of the socio-sexual equality; this work intends to remark the changing fatherhood roles of medical professionals and also effects of the fatherhood on the family and men health; it also intends to discuss recent developments with regard to this issue. |
3. | View of Sexuality in Nursing Journals in Turkey: A Literature Review Prof. Dr. Nuran Kömürcü, Doç. Dr. Nurdan Demirci, Doç. Dr. Hatice Yıldız, Arş.gör.çiğdem Gün Pages 9 - 17 Introduction: Sexuality is defined as an integral part of nursing care. Sexuality may be affected by multiple factors; especially by culture and traditional norms. Therefore, it is important to investigate how and which aspects of sexuality are examined in Turkish nursing studies. Aim: The aim of this article is to literature review studies on sexuality which were published in Turkish nursing journals. Method: In this systematic review study, the existing literature was searched using the keywords “sexuality”, “sexual health”, and “gender”. All of the online peer reviewed nursing journals were searched without giving a specific time interval. At the end of the search, 44 articles were obtained. Among these articles, 18 were review studies; therefore, a total of 26 articles were examined in the present study. Results: It was determined that 59% of sexuality studies were research articles and that the number of studies conducted in this area have increased by 69.2% in the last 5 years. Approximately half of the research articles had female samples. In the research articles, which generally concentrated on the Aegean Region (42.3%) and were mostly descriptive studies (88.4%), it was determined that sexuality was mostly (30.7%) investigated in means of “sexual education, information about sexuality, and attitudes toward sexuality”. It was observed that in 57.6% of the articles, a sampling method was not utilized and in 65.4%, a questionnaire form was used. Conclusion: According to the results of our systematic review; the studies on sexuality, which were published in Turkish nursing journals, are generally descriptive and there is a need for methodologically qualified studies and experimental or qualitative studies using focus groups/individual depth interviews. |
4. | Determining Postpartum Social Support Needs of Mothers and the Support They Received Nihan Türkoğlu, Aslı Sis Celik, Türkan Pasinlioğlu Pages 18 - 24 OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to determine the postpartum social support needs of mothers, the levels of support they received and to analyze some effective factors. METHODS: This descriptive study was conducted on mothers who resided in the city centre between January 1 and April 30, 2013, who applied to three different Family Health Centers and who were in the 4th to 8th weeks of the postpartum period. The sample group consisted of 254 mothers who gave permission to participate in the study. A general questionnaire and “Postpartum Support Questionnaire” consisting of 24 questions were designed by the researchers and were used for data collection. RESULTS: The average age of mothers participating in the study was 28.80±5.4. 50.4% of the mothers were primary school graduates, 68.5% lived in a nuclear family and 86.6% were unemployed. 74% were multiparous mothers and 24% were in the fourth week of the postpartum period. 84.3% of mothers became pregnant intentionally and 75.6% had a vaginal birth. 58.3% received information about the postpartum period. 37.4% of fathers were primary school graduates and 55.1% were self-employed. The total mean score for the question regarding “Importance of Need” on the Postpartum Support Questionnaire was 138.20±47.7 and the total mean score for the question regarding “Support Received” was 111.96±45.4. In this study, those who were pregnant for the rst time, worked, had university degrees, received a middle to upper-class income and lived in nucleartype families gave higher total scores to the questions regarding “Importance of Need” and “Support Received” and the difference between them were found to be statistically signi cant (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: It was concluded that the support needs of the mothers during the postpartum period were greater than what they received and did not meet what was required. |
5. | Iranian Nurses’ Knowledge of Pain Management in Elderly Patients Hossein Rafiei, Mohammad Esmaeli Abdar, Hedayatollah Lalegani, Mohammad Hashem Reisi, Masoud Amiri, Mohammad Rahimi Madiseh, Ali Hassanpoor Dehkordi, Ali Akbari Pages 25 - 29 OBJECTIVE: Pain is the most common reason for seeking health care that often not received enough attention in older patients. The purpose of this study is to examine Iranian registered nurses knowledge about pain management among older patients. METHODS: In a cross-sectional study with use of Pain in the Elderly Questionnaire (PEQ), knowledge of Iranian qualified registered nurses was examined about pain management among older patients. RESULTS: Of 518 nurses participated in this study, 83.8% (n= 434) was women and 16.2% (n= 84) was men. The mean correct score for the 14 items was 46.4% (range= 7.1% to 85.7). No relationship was found between levels of knowledge with nurse’s years of experiences and nurses sex (P>0.05). CONCLUSION: Registered nurses were not sufficiently knowledgeable about pain management in older patients. Training well-educated personnel in older care should be considered by nursing educational systems. |
6. | Can Imaging Methods Containing Contrast Agents Be Used with Breastfeeding Mothers? Ruşen Öztürk, Gül Ertem Pages 30 - 33 During the breastfeeding period, there is a significant increase in the use of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging methods. During this period, Information and attitudes seems to be quite confusing about effecting on mother and the baby whose mother is used to computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging gravity and particularly continue breast-feeding. Especially during lactation, inform in this regard to the mother and explain the benefits and risks to the mother and also discuss this with the mother is extremely important. However, it is considered that in clinical terms, nurses have not adequate knowledge about this issue. In this review, has reviewed the literature to determine imaging methods can apply to mothers during breastfeeding, the status of the affected infants and contrast material to take the milk. |
7. | An Examination of the Written Records Kept by Nurses for Nursing Services in a Government Hospital Mehtap Omaç Sönmez, Feyza Nazik, Elvan Turkol, Şükran Dağ Pages 34 - 40 OBJECTIVE: Besides his professional patient care nurses is responsible for recording and reporting of all services. This study aims to examine whether the written records which are kept by nurses in nursing services are associated with nursing services or not. METHODS: This study is descriptive, cross-sectional type. Research was made through the analysis of the forms filled by nurses working in the State Hospital. From 24 clinics in the hospital (12 internal, 12 surgical) total of 212 written registration form filled out by the nurses were collected. In additon 24 clinic nurses has been asked to do survey method all of the forms with the nursing profession. Clinical nurses responsible for the information they have been given and assessment was conducted by examining the registration form. The assessment made as to whether the records related to the nursing profession, who need to be filled by the number and percentage is given for that. RESULTS: It was determined that 38 of 68 forms kept by nurses were not related to their Occupations. Nurses fill in an average of 10 different forms in the clinics that were included in the study and almost half of these forms must be filled by the related doctor or department manager (other occupational profession). CONCLUSION: While filling out many forms that are not related to nursing services, nurses’ workload increases and it affects the quality and quantity of nursing services adversely. İt must be stated clearly by whom the records and the forms which are related to the nursing sevices will be filled.records and the forms which are related to the nursing sevices will be filled. |
8. | Emotional Intelligence Levels of Nursing Students and Influencing Factors Hatice Tambağ, Metin Kaykunoğlu, Zeynep Gündüz, Yağmur Demir Pages 41 - 46 OBJECTIVE: The study was conducted to determine the health school nursing students’ emotional intelligence and sociodemographic characteristics. METHODS: The study is descriptive. Population of the study comprised 225 first, second, third and fourth class in 2011-2012 academic year at the health school of a state university in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. And the sample included 158 students who agreed to participate in the study. Data was collected by performing the personal information form and emotional intelligence scale. Frequency, percentage, t test, One-Way ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD test were used to evaulate the data. RESULTS: Students’ total emotional intelligence score is determined as 85.41±7.87, sub-scale scores, taking advantage of emotions 16.17±3.23, optimism 42.89±6.24, expression of emotions 26.34±5.06. Total emotional intelligence score, taking advantage of emotions and expression of emotions subscale mean scores of male students were significantly higher than female students (p <0.05). CONCLUSION: As a result, students’ emotional intelligence were generally found below the medium level in this study. Generating education programs by considering emotional intelligence influencing factors is recommended. |
9. | Examination of Resources Motivation and Problems Profession-Related of Students who Studying in the Faculty of Health Sciences Zeynep Karaman Özlü, Kenan Gümüş, Kübra Güngörmüş, Gülçin Avşar, Nadiye Özer Pages 47 - 53 OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study, nursing students in Faculty of Health Sciences to determine the resources and problems of motivation. METHODS: The population of study comprised of 569 students. The sample group Comprised of 449 students who accepted to participate voluntarily. The data were collected by means of a questionnaire prepared by the researchers and "Motivation Resources and Problems Scale (MRPS)". Statistical analysis, descriptive statistical methods (frequency and percentages), independent samples t-test and One-Way ANOVA test was used. RESULTS: It was found the average age of the students participating in the study 21.10 years, %89.8 of students are male, %98.0 are single, %86.6 are high school graduate;, %36.3 of the students is fathers, 12.2% is mothers were college graduates. MRPS analyzed the distribution of scores of substances “the fear of making a mistake negative affect learning” ( =3.27) and “the pressure of the people I communicate with affect learning” ( =3.08) expressed as the average of the negative motivation substances were higher. Intrinsic Motivation subscale from the mean score of 34.60 ± 17.84, 43.80 ± 11.21 of the average of Extrinsic Motivation, Motivation Negative mean score of 43.80 ± 27.39, 144.40 ± 77.56 Total Score was found to be average. Also, students 'gender, parents' educational status with the intrinsic, extrinsic and negative motivation subscales between the mean scores statistically significant difference found, the class with the status of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation subscales between the mean scores statistically significant difference was determined to be. CONCLUSION: Consequently, the average negative motivation substances of students is higher.It was found that, while nursing education of students starting grade levels more negative motivation decreases with increasing negative impulses, external and internal impulses were increasing. Besides, negative motivation of the students who graduated from Anatolian-Science High School is also higher than more the high school and health professions high school graduates; |
10. | Emotionals Problems of Parents in the Postpartum Period and Nursing Care Duygu Güleç, Oya Kavlak, Ümran Sevil Pages 54 - 60 The birth is a social / cultural phenomenon as well as biological phenomenon. The postpartum period is defined as a period of developmental crisis for parents. They give baby care, communicate with baby, learn new roles, develop sensibility of the family, require to deal with problems related to the baby, live physical, social and emotional changes in family. In this period parents live important emotional problems such as depression, stress and anxiety. This problems can effect mother-baby interaction, child development and marriage relation. Perceived social support from partner, family, friends and health professionals is very important to reduce emotional problems in postpartum period. Nurses play an important role about families pass on healthy in this period. In this context, the purpose of this article is estimate the parents’ emotional problems which lived in postpartum period. |
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