Journal of Education and Research in Nursing
Background: Empathy skills are essential components of nursing care plans for nursing students to provide high-quality care to patients and are closely associated with moral sensitivity.
Aim: This study aims to explore the relationship between nursing students’ empathy skills, moral sensitivity, and other related variables.
Methods: This research was designed as a cross-sectional study. The study was conducted at a state university offering a four-year nursing program, with a sample size of 353 students. Data were collected via an online survey in March 2022. Students who agreed to participate voluntarily were included in the study. Data analysis was performed using Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression methods.
Results: A total of 353 students participated in the study, with a mean age of 21.83 ± 1.39 years. The mean empathy score was 162.03 ± 25.40, and the mean moral sensitivity score was 97.63 ± 30.21, indicating moderate levels for both. The Holistic Approach sub-dimension of moral sensitivity (r = -0.309, P = 0.021) and the Interpersonal Orientation subdimension (-0.260, P = 0.001) were associated with empathy skills and positively influenced their development. Additionally, the Execution sub-dimension of the moral sensitivity questionnaire was identified as a predictor of empathy skills (B = -1.27, P = 0.002).
Conclusion: Moral sensitivity is an important factor in the development of empathy skills among nursing students. However, the empathy skills of nursing students were found to be below the desired level. To enhance the empathy skills of nursing students, theoretical course content should be enriched, and their empathy levels should be assessed through bedside observations during clinical practice.
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