Journal of Education and Research in Nursing
Background: Family-centered care and family nursing practices are important in supporting the health and development of the child, establishing cooperation with the family, and better understanding the family’s power and caregiving capacity. Measuring family nursing practice phenomena requires special attention.
Aim: This study was conducted to test the validity and reliability of the family nurse caring belief scale in Turkish culture.
Methods: This methodological research was performed with a total of 317 nurses working in the primary care, and pediatric departments of health-care institutions and university hospitals under the Ministry of Health in Türkiye. Content validity, structure validity, internal consistency reliability, and item analysis methods were used to determine the psychometric properties of family nurse caring belief scale.
Results: According to the results of the explanatory factor analysis conducted on the Turkish version of family nurse caring belief scale, the scale had 4 sub-dimensions and accounted for 82.37% of the total variance. As a result of the confirmatory factor analysis, the goodness-of-fit values of the scale calculated as χ2/SD = 4.434, RMSEA = 0.076, RMR = 0.025, SRMR = 0.065, GFI = 0.918, AGFI = 0.808, CFI = 0.957, NFI = 0.946, and NNFI = 0.958. In addition, item factor loads ranged between 0.479 and 0.943. The total Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency coefficient of the scale was found as 0.965, while that of its sub-dimensions ranged from 0.726 to 0.984.
Conclusion: The research has concluded that family nurse caring belief scale is a valid and reliable evaluation tool that can be applied specifically to Turkish society. The scale can be used in the research, training, and practices on family health nursing.
Copyright © 2025 Journal of Education and Research in Nursing