Journal of Education and Research in Nursing
Determining the level of the emotional labor of nurses who play an important and indispensable role in the health system has become one of the most important issues. It is thought that nurses experience a lot of emotional labor as a result of many factors such as spending more time with patients and having more empathy and feeling emotions because the majority of occupational members are women. To increase the service quality of nurses, strategies should be developed to make nurses' emotional labor behaviors more positive. Within this framework, all nurses, especially the managing nurses, should be provided with training on patient communication, emotion management, and emotional labor behavior. First, it is necessary to increase the awareness of nurses who engaged in superficial behavior, study the reasons that lead them to this behavior, and try to eliminate these factors. In addition, by examining the emotion management and emotional labor behaviors of students in nursing education, it can be suggested to address the issues that support the empowerment of nursing students in the emotional dimension.
Keywords: Emotion, emotional labor, management of emotions, nursingCopyright © 2025 Journal of Education and Research in Nursing